A great way of attracting new business and making people aware of who you are and what your company does is by attending trade shows and similar events. When your business is attending an event or exhibition, setting up your stand with all the different advertising materials can be a nightmare. At some exhibitions you will have a stand set up outside and with the unpredictable British weather, you are going to need to have something to cover your stand. Rather than having to put up a large tent or complex marquees a much simpler solution is to use instant canopies for your event. Using pop up shelters has a range of different benefits all of which will make a lot of sense for your business.
1. Company Branding - One of the great things about pop up instant canopies is that you can brand them really easily. There are multiple opportunities to use your company logo on the top, side and back of the stand. Another benefit is that the PVC coated covers come in virtually any colour that means your pop up shelter can be any colour you want This is very handy if you want it to match your corporate colours or a products colours. This means that instant canopies present some fantastic opportunities for increasing your brand awareness and to keep your company in the minds of those attending the event.
2. Easy To Transport And Store - It is ridiculously easy to transport and store instant canopies. They come complete with their own bag which is easy to transport and pack the canopy into. You can easily pack the canopy into the bag and the time it takes to take it down means this can all be done at speed using few people.
3. Why Struggle WIth Set Up - The great thing about instant canopies is that you can set them up in a matter of minutes. The frames are designed to fold out quickly so they provide a lightweight yet solid enclosure. The structure of these sorts of canopies allow them to be used multiple times thanks to the hard wearing PVC coated fabric and flexible aluminium poles.
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