Wednesday, August 18, 2010

The origins and outlook for the World Wide Web, and ways you can utilize it to advance your career

The Web originated from a a fundamentally simple idea – that one page can be accessed remotely from a PC using the previously existing Internet, and that page can be connected to a second one, via a link; and then more sites may be accessed from more links in a potentially unending chain. Beginning with this earliest proposal by its founder Tim Berners Lee early in 1989, the Web has grown beyond anyone’s initial predictions, to countless numbers of websites in 2010, in a space of just two decades. The promise that this new invention holds for commercial enterprises, has been recognized by forward-thinking business experts, and therefore the tally of online jobs , helping businesses succeed on the WWW, has greatly multiplied.

The basic problem was how searchers could know where on the Internet there might exist the goods and services they were seeking. Search Engines quickly appeared to help with this problem. Web surfers were able to type in a keyword, and the engines endeavoured to match this keyword the text content of various websites. nevertheless, such a method was vulnerable to misuse, since it did not accurately ascertain either the content of the site or its real relevance to what the user was interested in.

Things changed when two students from Stanford University in 1996 developed the venture that was to become Google. These two introduced the idea of affirming a site’s pertinence to a search word or phrase, by searching for more reliable sites that linked to it. Such a technique ameliorated the way in which a search engine could tell the difference between actually relevant sites and impostors. The rest, as they say, is history, as Google went on to gain a leading segment of the market for Web searches.

For this reason, any Internet business must take into account the Google method of using other trusted sites to establish any given website’s search engine placement, in addition to optimizing the site internally. This has established a demand for the knowledge of a search engine optimizer (SEO), specializing in the type of skills that this work requires. A high proportion of online jobs entail advising businesses to raise their search engine placement in this way.

One frequent mistake is to assume that your company’s website developer will be able to provide a solution for such issues as part of their work. While website developers may give you an appealing site for your company, they may not be aware of how to improve its search engine ranking; this is the specialism of an SEO. This person can work From home, in tandem with the client, to raise the company’s search engine profile employing various ethical methodologies.

Think of when you last did a Google search. It might have listed an enormous quantity of matches to your query. And yet did you get round to looking beyond the first page of the listing? Thus, it is so important for an optimizer to raise a website onto the first page of the Google results, to guarantee the company’s Internet business is maximized.

The online jobs in this field depend on the retention of clients who see an extended period of advantage arising from a better Search Engine placement, bringing enquirers to their site who are specifically interested in the products they are selling. For somebody who is looking to work From home, positions such as an SEO are an ideal choice.

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